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When Ette Durand skips two grades and enters junior high school in 1964, the perils of fitting in and doing well pale in comparison to discovering the emerging counterculture, race riots across the United States, and combat looming in Viet Nam. War isn’t just on the other side of the world. The Dragon of Neston—that ancient foe called the devil—is alive and well and on the prowl in the least expected places. The battles start at the bus stop, inflict injuries in the gymnasium, and take captives in the classroom. Dieter Norden warned her that her new faith would be tested, and Ette wants to take Dieter up on his promise to help her, but between his Olympic swimming trials and the pressures he faces before graduation, how can he find the time? But Ette needs to find a way to slay the dragon, and for that she must take up the shield of faith and rely on The Helper who will never leave her nor forsake her.
Neston debuts The Neston Novels Series
Ette Durand’s plans for the summer of 1964 take a surprising turn when an Olympic hopeful comes to work at her parents’ Vermont inn. Dieter Norden draws crowds to him, but his relationship with Ette adds to her doubts about feeling out of step with her friends and the changes coming into her life. She can go the way of the world and fit in, or she can count the cost and take an unexpected journey of faith. Set in Wortham County, a fictional locale in the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont, Neston also is undergoing change from timber town to tourist destination. Join Ette and Dieter as they chart the course for navigating the choppy waters of the 1960s and beyond.

Calling all Jane Austen fans

Susan Price, introduced by Jane Austen in Mansfield Park, comes of age in my sequel, Respect and Respectability: Susan Price at Mansfield Park. By the time of her glittering coming out in the summer of 1815, Susan is enticed by testimonies, envious of others’ exploits, and entangled in love. Shedding her old life to accept the new one of faith is the first–and final–obstacle Susan must navigate.